Beth Davidson (far right) with Vinay Agarwal (far left) and Allison Naui (center left) of Barry Estates and friend Susan Maronde (center right)
Beth Davidson gave her “Who Am I” presentation at the July 27, 2023 meeting. Beth grew up in New Jersey and attended Villanova University, as her did her father. After graduating, she lived and worked in New York City. Beth has three children, Tripp, an Arizona State University student, Charlotte, who also graduated from Villanova, and Ben, who graduated from Canyon Crest Academy. She has worked with Barry Estates for six years and is a member of the Luxury Coast Group in Del Mar (giving her a very short commute to our meetings). In addition to being a Rotarian, Beth serves as a board member for A Bridge for Kids that matches talented youth with sponsors who can help level the playing field, not only financially but strategically with help navigating college prep tests and applications. Beth is also a member of the Del Mar Women’s Giving Collective, which provides grants to non-profits in the San Diego community.