The Rotary Club of Del Mar was the host club for the District 5340 Model United Nations held at the Del Mar Civic Center on April 1 and 2, 2023. Over thirty different nations were represented by teams of two delegates that debated two resolutions: (1) Specific actions to address global food insecurity and its disproportionate impact on women; and (2) Prevention of an arms race in space and continued peaceful and sustainable space exploration. Teams began preparing in January with a kick-off training session. Over the past months with guidance from advisors, the delegates worked to understand how each resolution and delivered a two-minute speech outlining their country’s position at the General Assembly on the morning of Day 1. After closed-door caucuses on the afternoon of Day 1, the students returned for Day 2 to present final amendments to the resolution. Several distinguished speakers were also part of the program, including Vice Admiral Charles Martoglio (UCSD School of Global Policy and Strategy), Janet White (Portfolio and Platform Lead, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation), Walter Lam (Alliance for African Assistance), Bogdan Matuszynski (Rotary Peace Scholar), and Olga Ilinska (Ukrainian Women and Children Refugees). Thank you to members Kathy Reed for arranging all the food and Klaus Gubernator for A/V coordination. Click HERE to watch a video of scenes from the day.