Scott LaRue (center) accepts check for MCRF Scholarships from President Matt Kurth (right) and Sean Barrett (left)
In 1962, a Marine veteran read in the newspaper that a fellow Marine veteran, a Medal of Honor recipient, could not afford to send their child to college. That veteran helped raise $1500 for a scholarship and represented the beginning of the Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation (MCSF), which has since awarded scholarships worth 200 million dollars. Our members raised nearly $600 in Happy Dollars at the January 11, 2024 meeting to help support MCSF scholarships.
MCSF Board of Director Member L. Scott LaRue told us that the MCSF current provides around 11 million dollars in annual scholarship support to help over 2,700 children of Marines. The scholarships are need-based and non-competitive so that all qualified applicants receive support. To qualify, the student must meet simple eligibility criteria: 1) Be a child of a Marine, Navy Corpsman, or Religious Program Specialist, living or dead, who received an honorable discharge; 2) Demonstrate need for financial aid; and 3) Have a high school GPA of at least 2.0.
The success of MCSF graduates in part reflects the work ethic of a Marine. Over 91% of scholarship recipients graduate in four years (relative 56% national average), and almost half are first-generation college students. Scholarship recipients study at a range of institutions, including community and 4-year colleges, as well as vocational schools. The MCSF makes what they perceive as a Cycle of Impact in which a Marine makes a sacrifice for his/her country, the child of the Marine receives scholarship support, and, using the education they receive, strengthens the nation as their parent did. We thank Pat Dougherty for bringing MCSF to our attention.