Our club sponsored a table at the 50th Anniversary celebration for the Mexican American Educational Guidance Association (MAEGA). Our charter member Don Lapham was a co-founder of MAEGA and charter member Dr. Dick Wheelock was also devoted to MAEGA. Since its founding in 1970, MAEGA has awarded over 2.5 million in scholarship support to ensure that promising Mexican-American students can pursue higher education. Meteorologist and entrepreneur Jodi Kodesh led the evening, which featured Superintendent/President of Mira Costa College Dr. Sunita “Sunny” Cooke, and Dr. Francisco Rodriguez, Chancellor of the Los Angeles Community College District. Distinguished alumni provided video statements of how MAEGA helped launch their academic and eventually professional careers, and veterinarian and current Advisory Board member Dr. Nicole Zuniga thanked Rotary Club of Del Mar specifically for our support. Thank you to Greg Harris, Candace Bahr, John Baranowski, and Sharon Schendel for attending.