Vicki Barks's stowaway kitten
Brett Mattei was really happy to join with the SURF Fellowship to help autistic kids experience surfing; Klaus Gubernator was happy to report that, in response to Brett’s “Our World in Data” blurb about patents held by the United States, that Samsung, rather than IBM, is now the company that holds the most patents; Vickie Barks was happy that the kitten that stowed away in her car is now a happy and healthy member of her household; Tony Villasenor was really happy that his daughter is on her way to University of Oregon, despite a slight (4 hour) delay in the tarmac as a member of the Executive Branch of the United States Government paid downtown San Diego a visit; Suzy Wagner was happy for another good turnout for our recent social at Americana (mark your calendars for the October social, October 22 at Viewpoint Brewing Company); Marty Peters was happy to have played Spyglass at Pebble Beach.